9 days down, 5 to go.
Sorry I haven't been posting lately. I can't seem to focus on much... I've been watching movies and reading a lot to keep me preoccupied.
Nothing new here... Pretty boring. Just the way we like it!
Take Care!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Second Post of the Night
Merry Christmas!!! The kids are playing right now! I think they are very happy with the gifts they have gotten already! Shawn and I are watching the best Christmas movie of all time. Christmas Vacation. Right now Clark Griswold's feet just fell through the ceiling onto Rusty's bed.
Is it sad that we spend a lot of the movie quoting lines before they happen?
"We checked all the lights, didn't we Russ?" "Yeah, sure." Hahaha.
Shawn is my Clark Griswold. He puts up our Christmas lights every year! Thanks honey! Sadly though, I have witnessed Shawn kicking Santa here as well. Shawn's temper reminds me so much of Clark Griswold's temper.
Take care everyone! We wish you a very Merry Christmas!!!
Is it sad that we spend a lot of the movie quoting lines before they happen?
"We checked all the lights, didn't we Russ?" "Yeah, sure." Hahaha.
Shawn is my Clark Griswold. He puts up our Christmas lights every year! Thanks honey! Sadly though, I have witnessed Shawn kicking Santa here as well. Shawn's temper reminds me so much of Clark Griswold's temper.
Take care everyone! We wish you a very Merry Christmas!!!
More Hope!
I pray this is us! Here are small parts of the article:

I pray this is us! Here are small parts of the article:
What your Doctor may not know about your pregnancy after IVF
Because of the growing number of women who realize their miscarriages were misdiagnosed, I like to get any information out there that may help women in determining whether they are going to miscarry or are misdiagnosed.
If you have had IVF and are being told that your gestational sac or baby looks one to two weeks behind in development during the first trimester, this one is for you.
Keep in mind, miscarriage is unfortunately all too common. Reading this study will not magically change the course your pregnancy will take. It will however give you information that may save your pregnancy if you are misdiagnosed.
If you have had IVF and are being told that your gestational sac or baby looks one to two weeks behind in development during the first trimester, this one is for you.
Keep in mind, miscarriage is unfortunately all too common. Reading this study will not magically change the course your pregnancy will take. It will however give you information that may save your pregnancy if you are misdiagnosed.
Our Hypthesis on Why This Happens
it's really pretty common
We've discovered from the many misdiagnosed women online that many of them have a retroverted uterus in common. The transvaginal ultrasound is really not as accurate in women with a tilted uterus. Often we'll look one to two weeks behind during the first trimester. As the pregnancy progresses, the uterus gets pushed back into a more 'normal' position and then dating looks more accurate.
Our guess, and I do think it is a good one, is that this 36% actually had tilted uteri since a number of studies indicate that up to 30 to 40% of women actually have a retroverted uterus.
Our guess, and I do think it is a good one, is that this 36% actually had tilted uteri since a number of studies indicate that up to 30 to 40% of women actually have a retroverted uterus.
What Does This Mean For You?
Take this to your doctor
If you have had IVF, you are more likely to pushed into D&C earlier than most women based on what I've been told by women online. If you just wandered into a doctor's office pregnant, the doctor knows your dates may be off and there is more room for error in his eyes. However if he is certain of dates due to the IVF procedure, he is definitely more likely to doom your pregnancy earlier. We this see this quite a bit.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
8 weeks today
According to this, our baby is measuring a week behind. http://www.i-am-pregnant.com/Pregnancy/calendar/week/7
Now I need to stop obsessing and think positive!
Now I need to stop obsessing and think positive!
After talking to different people about our situation, here are some of the replies I have gotten:
- One of my supervisors had that happen to her. but all was okay. Her baby wasn't growing about 2 months and then again when she was about 7 months, but then she did.
- My ob said once they see a heartbeat the chance if miscarriage decreases tremendously! I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks with both of mine and the only measured at 6 weeks. They eventually caught up and surpassed "normal" prayers to you and your family! Hang in there!
- My Daughter was told she would miscarry because babies heartbeat was like 89 or lower at her first U/S. Well she has a healthy 7 1/2 month old now. So don't always think bad that will just add more unnecessary stress. Think positive. They told my daughter to eat Protein bars a higher protein in her body. And a very good prenatal vitamin may help also. Sorry to barge in, but I/we were in your same shoes last year September. Praying for a healthy pregnancy for you.
- My sister had something similar. If I remember correctly, I believe they told her that the baby had either stopped growing or was too small. She was prepared to miscarry, they told her she would. She now has an adorable, rambunctious 4.5 year old. Hoping all works out for you too.
I pray we get a miracle and turn out normal as well! These replies give me hope!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
7 weeks 6 days
The ultrasound did not go as well as we had hoped it would today. We did see a steady heartbeat, but the baby is measuring small. The baby was 5 mm and should be closer to 14 mm. The Dr. said I have a high chance of miscarrying. We pray he is wrong. After googling for a while, I've found where other people have been through this. Sometimes the baby catches up and is perfectly normal and sometimes it ends in miscarriage. Since we saw a heartbeat, I'm not giving up! I've also read that this can happen if you have a tilted uterus, which was suggested by the Dr. at my last ultrasound.
Who knows!
We appreciate all of the prayers we have received and continue to receive! We are praying for a miracle! I go back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound. Please pray baby grows and grows before then!
Who knows!
We appreciate all of the prayers we have received and continue to receive! We are praying for a miracle! I go back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound. Please pray baby grows and grows before then!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
5 days until Christmas!
Did I count that correctly? I have to double check everything. I've started having "pregnancy brain" this week. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-pregnancy-brain.htm Apparently it does occur during your first trimester. I went to Subway last night and wanted cucumbers on my sandwich, but I couldn't remember what they were called for a couple seconds. Oh, and I couldn't remember where Big Lots or Dollar General were in Logansport. Really?!?! I've only been to that town millions of times. I called Shawn to make sure where they were. He made fun of me. I hope this gets better soon! If not, Shawn might have me committed! Ha!
The article mentions progesterone as the culprit for pregnancy brain. Thank goodness I took my last shot/dose of progesterone in oil tonight!
I've had more nausea today than I've ever had. I'm beginning to think I have the stomach flu. Hopefully its just morning sickness. We'll see how I feel throughout the night and in the morning.
The kids sat with me on the couch tonight. The dog, I mean our third child, got jealous and had to sit with us. The kids informed me that I was holding/touching all 4 of my kids. Zac, Abby, Lucy, and baby in my belly. LOL! I love those kiddos so much!
One more school day until Christmas Break!!!
The article mentions progesterone as the culprit for pregnancy brain. Thank goodness I took my last shot/dose of progesterone in oil tonight!
I've had more nausea today than I've ever had. I'm beginning to think I have the stomach flu. Hopefully its just morning sickness. We'll see how I feel throughout the night and in the morning.
The kids sat with me on the couch tonight. The dog, I mean our third child, got jealous and had to sit with us. The kids informed me that I was holding/touching all 4 of my kids. Zac, Abby, Lucy, and baby in my belly. LOL! I love those kiddos so much!
One more school day until Christmas Break!!!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
How Far Along: 7 weeks 3 days
How big is the baby: Around 1/2 an inch. About the size of a blueberry
Maternity Clothes: Regular clothes still.
Weight Gain: Today I'm actually less than I was before IVF.
Stretch Marks: Just the ones I've always had.
Sleep: Sleeping is my new favorite hobby!
Best Moment of the Week: Being nauseous. I know its odd, but then it makes me feel pregnant and that makes me happy!
Movement: The baby did start moving somewhere between last week and this week. It will be a long time before I feel it.
Symptoms: Mornings sickness on and off all day. I eat several peppermints a day. It helps me some...
Food Cravings: Chicken taco salads and chocolate milk.
Gender: Too soon to tell.
What I Miss: My daily coke. I now only have 1 or 2 a week.
What I'm Looking Forward to: I can't wait to feel the baby move!
Weekly Wisdom: Things can wait until the weekend... Sleep is more important to the baby right now.
Milestones: Movement-The baby is now moving on its own.
Emotions: I yell and cry daily.
How big is the baby: Around 1/2 an inch. About the size of a blueberry
Maternity Clothes: Regular clothes still.
Weight Gain: Today I'm actually less than I was before IVF.
Stretch Marks: Just the ones I've always had.
Sleep: Sleeping is my new favorite hobby!
Best Moment of the Week: Being nauseous. I know its odd, but then it makes me feel pregnant and that makes me happy!
Movement: The baby did start moving somewhere between last week and this week. It will be a long time before I feel it.
Symptoms: Mornings sickness on and off all day. I eat several peppermints a day. It helps me some...
Food Cravings: Chicken taco salads and chocolate milk.
Gender: Too soon to tell.
What I Miss: My daily coke. I now only have 1 or 2 a week.
What I'm Looking Forward to: I can't wait to feel the baby move!
Weekly Wisdom: Things can wait until the weekend... Sleep is more important to the baby right now.
Milestones: Movement-The baby is now moving on its own.
Emotions: I yell and cry daily.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Kids are so funny!
They were supposed to be practicing Math facts. Zac was giving Abby flash cards when we heard them playing and laughing. I opened the door and Zac gave us a good laugh. As soon as he heard the door open, he looked at Abby and said, "What's 6-2?" We told him nice try and that he was pretty smooth, but we know the truth! I laughed pretty hard over that one.
Right now we are watching FOOTBALL! Go Tampa Bay! I'm laying up against Shawn on the couch, so of course the dog has to sit in his lap. She gets so jealous!
We had pulled pork taco salads for supper. They were good!
I am so bloated the past week! I am retaining water and making frequent trips to the bathroom. I'm still nauseous every night. I go through lots of peppermint candy. It settles my tummy some.
I can't wait for the ultrasound this week! We are anxious to see the baby's heartbeat!
Goodnight Everyone!
Right now we are watching FOOTBALL! Go Tampa Bay! I'm laying up against Shawn on the couch, so of course the dog has to sit in his lap. She gets so jealous!
We had pulled pork taco salads for supper. They were good!
I am so bloated the past week! I am retaining water and making frequent trips to the bathroom. I'm still nauseous every night. I go through lots of peppermint candy. It settles my tummy some.
I can't wait for the ultrasound this week! We are anxious to see the baby's heartbeat!
Goodnight Everyone!
Friday, December 16, 2011
I love Fridays! Know what?!? Three more school days until Christmas break! I have so much paperwork to catch up on this week!
I woke up craving Hometown Pizza this morning, so the kids and I headed over to Walton tonight and bought some. Yum! We haven't had Hometown in a long time. It was delicious and hit the spot!
Right now we are watching Christmas with the Kranks on FX with the kiddos. They like it.
There have been some crazy Yahoo headlines lately. Weird!
About it here!
I woke up craving Hometown Pizza this morning, so the kids and I headed over to Walton tonight and bought some. Yum! We haven't had Hometown in a long time. It was delicious and hit the spot!
Right now we are watching Christmas with the Kranks on FX with the kiddos. They like it.
There have been some crazy Yahoo headlines lately. Weird!
About it here!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Happy Birthday Richard!
Tonight we went to a birthday party for Shawn's uncle Richard. He turns 58 tomorrow. I really don't like afternoon/evening nausea. Its not fun. I made it home and hurled in the driveway. Now I'm starving! LOL! Shawn is making popcorn for us and pouring us a coke. I haven't had a coke since Monday. I used to have 1 a day, but now I'm trying to make sure I eat/drink healthier. Who can have popcorn without coke?
I really want another chicken taco salad. I'm thinking we'll have some again tomorrow night. I guess those and chocolate milk are my cravings.
About it here!
Getting ready for Thursday night football!
Night everyone!
I really want another chicken taco salad. I'm thinking we'll have some again tomorrow night. I guess those and chocolate milk are my cravings.
About it here!
Getting ready for Thursday night football!
Night everyone!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
3rd Post of the Day
This is the TMI post about pregnancy. Read at your own risk...
OMG! My boobs HURT! I slept on my left arm and breast last night. Big mistake! My arm felt fine and came back to life as soon as I got in the shower. My left breast on the other hand has ached all day! And they're growing. I already wear a DD. If they grow much more, they will be popping out of my bra. I'm only 7 weeks! Okay, I will be 7 weeks tomorrow. Technically, I'm 6 weeks 6 days. I didn't realize they would start to grow already. I've never been pregnant, so I'm new to all of this.
Like morning sickness. It's not morning sickness at all. It was, but I switched to taking my prenatal vitamin at night and that helped. It's actually from 2:00 to bedtime sickness.
EDIT: Oh! I also sobbed like a baby while trying to eat my cereal this morning. Shawn was mean. Okay, he wasn't that mean, I just took it that way. With these hormones, I can cry during a funny movie!
Although the aches and gagging aren't the most fun things, I am enjoying every minute of being pregnant! I was afraid I would never get to experience this. All the symptoms are more than worth it!!!!!!!! I feel so fortunate !!!!!! Night Everyone! I know it's only 8:10, but I'm hitting the sack as soon as I put the kids to bed in 20 minutes. Take Care!
OMG! My boobs HURT! I slept on my left arm and breast last night. Big mistake! My arm felt fine and came back to life as soon as I got in the shower. My left breast on the other hand has ached all day! And they're growing. I already wear a DD. If they grow much more, they will be popping out of my bra. I'm only 7 weeks! Okay, I will be 7 weeks tomorrow. Technically, I'm 6 weeks 6 days. I didn't realize they would start to grow already. I've never been pregnant, so I'm new to all of this.
Like morning sickness. It's not morning sickness at all. It was, but I switched to taking my prenatal vitamin at night and that helped. It's actually from 2:00 to bedtime sickness.
EDIT: Oh! I also sobbed like a baby while trying to eat my cereal this morning. Shawn was mean. Okay, he wasn't that mean, I just took it that way. With these hormones, I can cry during a funny movie!
Although the aches and gagging aren't the most fun things, I am enjoying every minute of being pregnant! I was afraid I would never get to experience this. All the symptoms are more than worth it!!!!!!!! I feel so fortunate !!!!!! Night Everyone! I know it's only 8:10, but I'm hitting the sack as soon as I put the kids to bed in 20 minutes. Take Care!
My dog is driving me insane right now!
She won't leave me alone. Since getting pregnant, she gets hyper every night and NEEDS my attention. The constant "talking" or grunting as well as the pawing and nudging me with her nose is driving me crazy tonight. You don't see her bothering anyone else! LOL! Dogs...
It was the camera! The kids were skating pretty well, but once they saw the camera, they went down. The floor is really slick in that section! Haha!
I have been kind of sick this week. Zac had it first, but he seems to be doing better. My nose is plugged and my throat hurts. And I keep getting terrible headaches. Not fun! Shawn has it too. I hope to wake up feeling better. We've gone through SEVERAL tissues in this house. Abby has been the only lucky one so far.
I usually blog every other day, but I just haven't felt up to it this week... Typing just seems like too much work!
Nothing else new here.
5 more school days until Christmas Break!
Don't miss the pics in the previous post!
Take Care!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Great Weekend
It's been a great weekend! Friday after school, we sat at home watching Netflix movies. Yesterday, we cleaned house, did some more Christmas shopping, and spent time with the family. After shopping, we went to B-dubs in Logansport. Yum! The kids had never been there before and boy can they eat sometimes. After that, we drove up to Twelve Mile Living Christmas Pageant. After that, the kids and I convinced Shawn to take us to the Rossville Christmas lights. On the way back we went by the Christmas in the Country lights outside of Delphi. 100.4 miles of Christmas travel. Haha! It was fun!
Now we are watching Sunday NFL Countdown. Later we are taking the kids to a skating party. Don't worry, I'm not skating! Neither is Shawn, but I would pay to see him try! LOL! I'll post pics of this weekend later. Hopefully later tonight. Have a great Sunday Everyone!
Now we are watching Sunday NFL Countdown. Later we are taking the kids to a skating party. Don't worry, I'm not skating! Neither is Shawn, but I would pay to see him try! LOL! I'll post pics of this weekend later. Hopefully later tonight. Have a great Sunday Everyone!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Can I eat supper at 4:00?
I'm hungry already! I know what I'm eating tonight. Again... I'm having a chicken taco salad. I just ate one on Wednesday. For some reason I am craving them. With tons of lettuce, cheese, black beans, and salsa. I think I'm craving lighter foods. I ate (heavy) Chili that disagreed with me several days ago. I'm also craving chocolate milk. I have to have a glass every day.
I am so glad its Friday!!!!! It has been one of those weeks. A cursing 1st grader among other behavioral issues made this a long week.
I'm 6 weeks and 1 day pregnant today!!!
I watched today's episode of my soap opera just a bit ago. I know its cheesy, but I still like it.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
I am so glad its Friday!!!!! It has been one of those weeks. A cursing 1st grader among other behavioral issues made this a long week.
I'm 6 weeks and 1 day pregnant today!!!
I watched today's episode of my soap opera just a bit ago. I know its cheesy, but I still like it.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Sorry Hubby and Kids!
I have turned into a grouch! I put the kids to bed at 8:30 last night and then sat down to watch TV with Shawn. All I could do was GRIPE! At 8:50, I looked at Shawn and said, "I'm grouchy. I'm going to put myself to bed!" I was under the covers and asleep within 2 minutes. Literally! I don't think I moved or heard anything until 5:30 this morning. I never heard Shawn come to bed. He said I was sawing some serious logs when he came to bed.
I was a little grouchy again tonight. I've noticed I get nauseous when I'm hungry. In return, I get GROUCHY! I feel bad for my family! It's 9:10, and I think I better go to bed soon before I can find a reason to gripe. LOL! Please tell me this hormonal grouchiness goes away soon!
Night Everyone!
I was a little grouchy again tonight. I've noticed I get nauseous when I'm hungry. In return, I get GROUCHY! I feel bad for my family! It's 9:10, and I think I better go to bed soon before I can find a reason to gripe. LOL! Please tell me this hormonal grouchiness goes away soon!
Night Everyone!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
First Ultrasound Today!
I'm 5 weeks 6 days!!! I couldn't see much. :-( There was 1 baby! I could see the sac, but that's about it. The Dr. could see the fetal pole as well, but I could barely make that out. He said it looked normal. The Dr. said my uterus tilts or something, so it was hard to get a clear image. The sac is measuring right where it should. We were not able to see a heartbeat. The Dr. said in 3 more days we probably could. I go back 2 weeks from today for another ultrasound! At that time we will get to see the heartbeat, etc! I can't wait!!! I will probably get to stop my progesterone in oil shots at that time... I hope these 2 weeks fly by!!!!!!!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Morning sickness...
Whoever called it that is WRONG! It's more like whenever it feels like it sickness. I just gagged a minute ago. Blech! I know, you really don't want to hear this...
The kids are excited! They can't wait until I find out how many babies there are on Wednesday. They want 2. Shawn and I are hoping for 1.
I can't believe we are watching the Monday Night Countdown and one of the upcoming topics reads: Favre or McNabb to Bears? Say What?!?!?!? Favre a Bear! Huh? Not something I thought I would ever see! If it does happen, I might puke! LOL!
C'mon Man comes on in 15 minutes.
We just got home from eating at Pizza Hut. We met Tink for her birthday. Happy Birthday Tink! For Mike's birthday (her husband), we bought him a Bears shirt. If you know me, I absolutely HATE the Bears. I've been a Packers fan way too long to like the Bears. Anyway~ We got Tink a Packers shirt for her birthday! I couldn't resist. She likes the Packers too, but Mike can't stand them. It's perfect!
About it here! Take Care!
The kids are excited! They can't wait until I find out how many babies there are on Wednesday. They want 2. Shawn and I are hoping for 1.
I can't believe we are watching the Monday Night Countdown and one of the upcoming topics reads: Favre or McNabb to Bears? Say What?!?!?!? Favre a Bear! Huh? Not something I thought I would ever see! If it does happen, I might puke! LOL!
C'mon Man comes on in 15 minutes.
We just got home from eating at Pizza Hut. We met Tink for her birthday. Happy Birthday Tink! For Mike's birthday (her husband), we bought him a Bears shirt. If you know me, I absolutely HATE the Bears. I've been a Packers fan way too long to like the Bears. Anyway~ We got Tink a Packers shirt for her birthday! I couldn't resist. She likes the Packers too, but Mike can't stand them. It's perfect!
About it here! Take Care!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Saturday Again...
I daydreamed about baby/ies today. Its finally starting to feel real! We are so excited!!!!!
I didn't get a nap today after all...
Lucy bit my hand after supper tonight. Apparently the wadded up napkin I was holding looked like a dog treat. She's never done that before.
Getting ready to watch a movie.
That is all!
I didn't get a nap today after all...
Lucy bit my hand after supper tonight. Apparently the wadded up napkin I was holding looked like a dog treat. She's never done that before.
Getting ready to watch a movie.
That is all!
Not a lot going on at the moment. I didn't want to get out of bed, but then again I want to get my hair cut and all that good stuff! I plan on doing that, then coming back home and taking a nap.
Tomorrow my dad wants to take us to a Christmas party. If I feel like I did yesterday, I doubt I go. I wanted to hurl all day yesterday! Hopefully that was just a 1 day thing. Anyway~ My dad is a Freemason so the Christmas party is at the Scottish Rite Cathedral in Indy. I've never been there, but apparently its beautiful.
About it here. I better eat something before I get sick. I'm thinking toast and an orange...
Take Care!
Tomorrow my dad wants to take us to a Christmas party. If I feel like I did yesterday, I doubt I go. I wanted to hurl all day yesterday! Hopefully that was just a 1 day thing. Anyway~ My dad is a Freemason so the Christmas party is at the Scottish Rite Cathedral in Indy. I've never been there, but apparently its beautiful.
About it here. I better eat something before I get sick. I'm thinking toast and an orange...
Take Care!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Are you ready for some football???
I am! I really don't care who wins. It's not like I will make it to the end of the game anyway.
Here was my day:
Alarm goes off at 5:50 - Check
Hit Snooze and sleep ten more minutes - Check
Breakfast Duty at 7:30 - Check
Teach Math to 5th and 4th Graders - Check
Lunch Duty - Check
Lunch Break - Check
Teach Math to 3rd and 2nd Graders - Check
Tutor after school to 4th and 5th Graders - Check
Come home and cry for no reason - Check
Haha! I was boring you with my day, but unfortunately the last one was true.... Don't ask me why I'm emotional right now. I guess its all the baby hormones. Mentioning, my beta should be around 555 right now. Yeah!!! I'm 5 weeks pregnant today! Our baby/ies should have a heartbeat starting today!!!! How exciting!!!!!!!!
Take Care Everyone!!!
Here was my day:
Alarm goes off at 5:50 - Check
Hit Snooze and sleep ten more minutes - Check
Breakfast Duty at 7:30 - Check
Teach Math to 5th and 4th Graders - Check
Lunch Duty - Check
Lunch Break - Check
Teach Math to 3rd and 2nd Graders - Check
Tutor after school to 4th and 5th Graders - Check
Come home and cry for no reason - Check
Haha! I was boring you with my day, but unfortunately the last one was true.... Don't ask me why I'm emotional right now. I guess its all the baby hormones. Mentioning, my beta should be around 555 right now. Yeah!!! I'm 5 weeks pregnant today! Our baby/ies should have a heartbeat starting today!!!! How exciting!!!!!!!!
Take Care Everyone!!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
I have the best husband in the world!
I am SO EXHAUSTED! My amazing husband made supper tonight. He went up to Camden and got us taco salads from Pizza King. He is also changing the oil in my Durango tomorrow. Isn't he the greatest???
My dear wonderful husband made fun of me this morning. I gagged more than once while brushing my teeth. Apparently he finds it humorous. Men....
Sara and I did drag him to see the latest Twilight movie over the weekend. I guess he deserves to get back at me. Haha! Sara and I liked it.
The morning sickness is starting. I've noticed I get nauseous when I'm hungry. I've been snacking on wheat thins to help that.
I also keep freezing! I sleep with an extra blanket now. I didn't know early pregnancy could make you feel cold.
I bought some Christmas presents tonight after work!!! I like them! I hope their recipients do as well!!!
I have tutoring after school again tomorrow. I have a good group of students. I'm thankful for that!
Right now we are watching Ghost Hunters. It is 8:58 and I plan on getting a big glass of water and heading to bed. Goodnight Everyone! Take Care!
My dear wonderful husband made fun of me this morning. I gagged more than once while brushing my teeth. Apparently he finds it humorous. Men....
Sara and I did drag him to see the latest Twilight movie over the weekend. I guess he deserves to get back at me. Haha! Sara and I liked it.
The morning sickness is starting. I've noticed I get nauseous when I'm hungry. I've been snacking on wheat thins to help that.
I also keep freezing! I sleep with an extra blanket now. I didn't know early pregnancy could make you feel cold.
I bought some Christmas presents tonight after work!!! I like them! I hope their recipients do as well!!!
I have tutoring after school again tomorrow. I have a good group of students. I'm thankful for that!
Right now we are watching Ghost Hunters. It is 8:58 and I plan on getting a big glass of water and heading to bed. Goodnight Everyone! Take Care!
Monday, November 28, 2011
More Awesome News Today!!!
I am 4 weeks 4 days pregnant today!
I had my 2nd beta (HCG) this morning. It was 206!!! It was 50 on Wednesday. The RE (reproductive endocrinologist) is happy to see my numbers rising as they should! He wants to see the number double every 36hrs-72hrs. Mine are doubling around every 58 hrs!!!!!!
I have an ultrasound scheduled for December 7th! We will find out how many babies there are at that time. I will be around 6 weeks, so our baby will have a heartbeat, but we might not be able to see it at that time. It might be too early.
If everything looks good, my RE will release me to my OBGYN!
Shawn and I are both so THANKFUL for the BLESSINGS we have received this year!
Have a wonderful week everyone!!!
I had my 2nd beta (HCG) this morning. It was 206!!! It was 50 on Wednesday. The RE (reproductive endocrinologist) is happy to see my numbers rising as they should! He wants to see the number double every 36hrs-72hrs. Mine are doubling around every 58 hrs!!!!!!
I have an ultrasound scheduled for December 7th! We will find out how many babies there are at that time. I will be around 6 weeks, so our baby will have a heartbeat, but we might not be able to see it at that time. It might be too early.
If everything looks good, my RE will release me to my OBGYN!
Shawn and I are both so THANKFUL for the BLESSINGS we have received this year!
Have a wonderful week everyone!!!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Shawn went for blood today!
He's so mean! Okay, not really. When Shawn gives me my progesterone in oil shots, he has to pull back on the syringe each time to make sure he's in the muscle. If he gets blood, he has to re-stick me in another location with another needle. For the first time, he got blood. I had to get stuck twice tonight. :-( Oh well! It's more than worth it. I go in for another beta (hcg) level check and progesterone check first thing in the morning. We're praying for nice and high numbers!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Take Care!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
Shawn had to work Thanksgiving, again.... The kids and I went to my grandparents and had a good time. I really missed Shawn even more this year now that we are expecting. I am making a big meal for Shawn, the kids, and I tomorrow. I went ahead and made my deviled eggs and pumpkin pie this evening. I can't wait! About it here. Just watching the Harbaugh bowl now. Have a great night everyone!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
And the verdict is....
After trying 5 years, 8 months, and 12 days, I'M PREGNANT!!!! We're going to have a baby (or 2)!!!! At 8dp5dt, my beta (HCG) level is 50. I go in again Monday for more bloodwork to make sure my numbers are increasing as they should. My beta should be above 200 by then. Please continue to pray for a happy and healthy 9 months!!! I should be due around August 2nd.
My progesterone level was 20, which is normal, but they want me to continue my nightly 1cc of progesterone in oil. They just want to play it safe just in case my progesterone were to drop.
I confess, we knew I was pregnant Monday! Here is my test from Monday evening! Can you see that faint line?
I wonder if one or both embryos took.... I can't wait for the ultrasound to find out. They wait until you're 6 weeks along so they can see the heartbeat. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so fortunate to get pregnant our first time doing IVF!!!
We're having chicken taco salads for supper tonight. Yum! I can't wait to eat!
About it here! Have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving everyone!!!!
My progesterone level was 20, which is normal, but they want me to continue my nightly 1cc of progesterone in oil. They just want to play it safe just in case my progesterone were to drop.
I confess, we knew I was pregnant Monday! Here is my test from Monday evening! Can you see that faint line?
Tuesday morning's test. (11 hours after the last one)
And this morning's test! A little darker each day!
I bought a digital test that I plan on taking in the morning. I just want to see the word PREGNANT!
We're having chicken taco salads for supper tonight. Yum! I can't wait to eat!
About it here! Have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving everyone!!!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
I have been in bed by 9:30 every night this week. I have been so TIRED! On Wednesday, I was in bed by 8:57.
Right now we are watching last night's new episode of The Big Bang Theory. Yes, we DVR that show... I love Blossom on the show. Okay, her name isn't Blossom on this show, but that's what I remember her best as. It's Amy on this show.
I am 3dp5dt today! Okay, I'll elaborate. I am 3 days past my 5 day transfer! 5 more days until my beta (blood pregnancy test)!
I am tired of the progesterone in oil shots! The sides of my backside are sore and I have some bruises. intramuscular injections are no fun! Especially when they are nightly!
Today was our monthly birthday celebration at work. The 2nd grade teacher's made soups and we brought the sides. I have lunch after recess, so it was perfect! Recess was freezing and soup was the perfect way to heat back up!
I am so proud of my son! He is taking the 3rd grade fact tests and is on test G. He is in 2nd grade! Test A, B, and C are addition. D, E, and F, are subtraction. G and H are mixed. After that, they start on multiplication. I taught him his x0, x1, x2, x5, and x10 last night. We are going to work on multiplication as repeated addition this weekend. Oh, Abby learned as well by just listening! She also is the top in Math in her 1st grade class. They are so smart! I am so proud of my kids!!! To think, Zac was behind in Math when he first came to live with us. It pays to have a mom that's a licensed elementary teacher and Math interventionist. They might not think so sometimes! ;-) Now we're focusing more and more on reading....
About it here... Have a great weekend!!!!
Right now we are watching last night's new episode of The Big Bang Theory. Yes, we DVR that show... I love Blossom on the show. Okay, her name isn't Blossom on this show, but that's what I remember her best as. It's Amy on this show.
I am 3dp5dt today! Okay, I'll elaborate. I am 3 days past my 5 day transfer! 5 more days until my beta (blood pregnancy test)!
I am tired of the progesterone in oil shots! The sides of my backside are sore and I have some bruises. intramuscular injections are no fun! Especially when they are nightly!
Today was our monthly birthday celebration at work. The 2nd grade teacher's made soups and we brought the sides. I have lunch after recess, so it was perfect! Recess was freezing and soup was the perfect way to heat back up!
I am so proud of my son! He is taking the 3rd grade fact tests and is on test G. He is in 2nd grade! Test A, B, and C are addition. D, E, and F, are subtraction. G and H are mixed. After that, they start on multiplication. I taught him his x0, x1, x2, x5, and x10 last night. We are going to work on multiplication as repeated addition this weekend. Oh, Abby learned as well by just listening! She also is the top in Math in her 1st grade class. They are so smart! I am so proud of my kids!!! To think, Zac was behind in Math when he first came to live with us. It pays to have a mom that's a licensed elementary teacher and Math interventionist. They might not think so sometimes! ;-) Now we're focusing more and more on reading....
About it here... Have a great weekend!!!!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Embryo Transfer
Today was the big embryo transfer! Only 2 of the blastocysts made it to day 5. According to Dr. H, one was average and one was really good. Unfortunately, we didn't have any to freeze... Stick babies stick!
Some Dr.'s do embryo transfers on day 3 because so many don't make it to day 5. Some theorize that the longer they are out of the womb, the harder it is on them. Other Dr.'s theorize that those that die before day 5 won't survive anyway, so waiting ensures transferring the strongest and healthiest ones.
I'm not sure if there is a right or wrong answer.
Other than some mild cramping, I feel great! Its easiest to do an embryo transfer with a full bladder. Oh my that was fun! I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to hold it and would go during the procedure. I had a nightmare about it last night. I wonder if anyone has ever had an accident. After the transfer, I had to lay flat for an hour. WITH A FULL BLADDER! My options were have the Dr. put in a catheter, go in a bed pan, or hold it. I chose to hold it. When my hour was up, I had Shawn push the little red call button to get a nurse and make sure it was okay to get up. I made it, but I wasn't sure I was going to. While laying there watching TV, Shawn kept talking about a kinked water hose. All I could think about was un-kinking that water hose. I kept telling him he wasn't helping me at all. He thought it was funny. Men....
Again, there were several people in the room for this procedure. Dr., nurses, embryologist, ultrasound tech, ultrasound tech in training, Shawn, etc. There must have been 6 or 7 people involved. Some Dr.'s do not do embryo transfers with an ultrasound. How in the world could they be sure they got the embryo's where they needed to go? In my opinion, Dr. H is a good Dr. and knows what he's doing. The lab told me he has a great record going. 4 out of 4 IVF's resulted in pregnancy in September and 5 out of 6 did in October. I like those odds.
It was fascinating to watch the whole thing on the ultrasound screen. They even printed a picture off for us. If you look at the pic below, you can see an arrow on top of an oval. The oval is my uterus. At the top of my uterus, you can see 2 little white dots close together. That's our blastocysts. Scanning the picture isn't as clear, but its the best I could do.
When the kids got off the bus, Zac asked me if they put my eggs back in my belly today. He wanted to know how many and if it hurt. LOL! He's been obsessed with "do things hurt" this whole process. I don't think he's going to handle pain well...
Have a great night! Think sticky thoughts!
Some Dr.'s do embryo transfers on day 3 because so many don't make it to day 5. Some theorize that the longer they are out of the womb, the harder it is on them. Other Dr.'s theorize that those that die before day 5 won't survive anyway, so waiting ensures transferring the strongest and healthiest ones.
I'm not sure if there is a right or wrong answer.
Other than some mild cramping, I feel great! Its easiest to do an embryo transfer with a full bladder. Oh my that was fun! I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to hold it and would go during the procedure. I had a nightmare about it last night. I wonder if anyone has ever had an accident. After the transfer, I had to lay flat for an hour. WITH A FULL BLADDER! My options were have the Dr. put in a catheter, go in a bed pan, or hold it. I chose to hold it. When my hour was up, I had Shawn push the little red call button to get a nurse and make sure it was okay to get up. I made it, but I wasn't sure I was going to. While laying there watching TV, Shawn kept talking about a kinked water hose. All I could think about was un-kinking that water hose. I kept telling him he wasn't helping me at all. He thought it was funny. Men....
Again, there were several people in the room for this procedure. Dr., nurses, embryologist, ultrasound tech, ultrasound tech in training, Shawn, etc. There must have been 6 or 7 people involved. Some Dr.'s do not do embryo transfers with an ultrasound. How in the world could they be sure they got the embryo's where they needed to go? In my opinion, Dr. H is a good Dr. and knows what he's doing. The lab told me he has a great record going. 4 out of 4 IVF's resulted in pregnancy in September and 5 out of 6 did in October. I like those odds.
It was fascinating to watch the whole thing on the ultrasound screen. They even printed a picture off for us. If you look at the pic below, you can see an arrow on top of an oval. The oval is my uterus. At the top of my uterus, you can see 2 little white dots close together. That's our blastocysts. Scanning the picture isn't as clear, but its the best I could do.
When the kids got off the bus, Zac asked me if they put my eggs back in my belly today. He wanted to know how many and if it hurt. LOL! He's been obsessed with "do things hurt" this whole process. I don't think he's going to handle pain well...
Have a great night! Think sticky thoughts!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Day 3
Dr. H told us to expect half of the eggs retrieved to fertilize and half of those to make it to day 3. Apparently Shawn and I are by the book people. 14 eggs were collected, 8 fertilized, and 4 look awesome and are dividing right on schedule. Yes, I do know that 8 is not half of 14, I do teach Math every day after all. Its pretty darn close though. The other 4 are progressing, but at a slower rate. Imagine that from Shawn's slow swimmers and my slow to mature follicles... What can I say, we like to take our time. 8-)
2 more days!!!
This is going to sound strange, but I sort of miss my eggs. Its because I took all those shots and worked hard to grow them and now they're sitting in Indy. It's like I know they are okay when they are in my care. Haha! Yes, I've gone crazy! I blame all crazy meds I injected. Maybe I'm going though withdrawals. LOL!
Well, time for Shawn to shoot me in the behind with a big needle. He has to give me my nightly injection of progesterone. If you hear crying, that's me! ;-)
EDIT: I put ice over the location first and I hardly felt it. Why didn't we try that sooner? Sheesh!
EDIT: I put ice over the location first and I hardly felt it. Why didn't we try that sooner? Sheesh!
Take Care!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Don't miss the pics below...
I was talking with Shawn earlier and said, "I wonder how our babies are doing." Ha ha! He informed me that they are not really babies yet. I told him we need to have fun with this instead of being so serious about it. I asked him, "What kind of parents are we leaving our babies in Indy all alone?" I told Shawn we have 11 kids at the moment. We have Zac, Abby, Lucy, and 8 fertilized zygotes. Shawn just shook his head and told me not to get attached, we are not going to have "20 Kids and Counting". Haha! Since eight of the eggs fertilized, several people have teased us that we are going to be the next octomom. Um, no! LOL! We're not crazy! We just want 1.
We've been asked questions, so I am going to answer them below.
1.) How long before they put them back in me?
Our Dr. does a 5 day transfer, making it Tuesday. Some Reproductive Endocrinologists (RE) do 3 day transfers.
2.) How many are we going to put back in?
That all depends upon how viable they are. The morning of day 5, they grade the blastocysts. We will probably pick the 2 most viable ones, but we'll see when the time comes. Here is more information on grading embryos: http://www.fertilityproregistry.com/content/embryo-grading.asp
3.) What are we doing with the extra embryos?
If we're lucky and there are some other "healthy" ones, we will have them frozen.
That's all I can think of for now, but if you have any questions, let me know!
Have a great weekend!
I was talking with Shawn earlier and said, "I wonder how our babies are doing." Ha ha! He informed me that they are not really babies yet. I told him we need to have fun with this instead of being so serious about it. I asked him, "What kind of parents are we leaving our babies in Indy all alone?" I told Shawn we have 11 kids at the moment. We have Zac, Abby, Lucy, and 8 fertilized zygotes. Shawn just shook his head and told me not to get attached, we are not going to have "20 Kids and Counting". Haha! Since eight of the eggs fertilized, several people have teased us that we are going to be the next octomom. Um, no! LOL! We're not crazy! We just want 1.
We've been asked questions, so I am going to answer them below.
1.) How long before they put them back in me?
Our Dr. does a 5 day transfer, making it Tuesday. Some Reproductive Endocrinologists (RE) do 3 day transfers.
2.) How many are we going to put back in?
That all depends upon how viable they are. The morning of day 5, they grade the blastocysts. We will probably pick the 2 most viable ones, but we'll see when the time comes. Here is more information on grading embryos: http://www.fertilityproregistry.com/content/embryo-grading.asp
3.) What are we doing with the extra embryos?
If we're lucky and there are some other "healthy" ones, we will have them frozen.
That's all I can think of for now, but if you have any questions, let me know!
Have a great weekend!
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