I'm excited to announce that we are in the process of adopting our two foster kids! I feel so lucky that these two amazing kids were placed in our home and that we get to adopt them. They were our first placement and our last. Shawn and I got into fostering to adopt, and that is just what we get to do! I feel so blessed. Many couples get into fostering and have many many children come in and out of there home before the right kids come along. My life revolves around these two rug-rats. Their birthdays were January 30th and February 3rd. Zach is now 7 and Abby is 6. We finally made it to celebrate their birthdays at Chuck E. Cheese last Friday. We had is originally scheduled during a heavy snow. The kids had a blast! Abby's face is priceless when Chuck E. Cheese brought out the cake.

Aren't they adorable?