Is it just me, or does every day go faster than the last?
I got wonderful news today! Thank God! Shawn and I are both going to sleep like babies tonight!
Right now I'm making supper and the kids are watching Transformers. Okay, so I'm blogging at this exact second, but supper is in the process. LOL!
Tomorrow is popcorn Friday at school. Don't forget your 50¢! Did I mention Abby lost her first tooth on Tuesday? It was barely hanging on, so she had me pull it. The tooth fairy in our house is a boy. I think its adorable!
I better get back to making supper...
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
It makes me wanna take the long way home....
And it makes me wanna take a back road. Makes me wanna take the long way home. Put a little gravel in my travel.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Rain Rain Go Away...
It seems like we get rain every day lately. Oh wait! That's because we are. I am surprised how quickly the ground is soaking it up. I guess that shows how much of a drought we've had all summer.
The Colts definitely looked much better last night. They had an almost win. I still think the only game we will win is the one against Kansas City. Mentioning Colts, I heard that Peyton is out the rest of the season. That stinks. I wonder if he will play next year or if he won't be healed. I hope this isn't a career ending injury.
I have a headache. I think its from staying up too late. I had to finish the Colts game. It was way too close to even consider going to bed.
My poor Durango is in at Mike Anderson's. It has a "tick" from an exhaust leak. It needs new exhaust manifold gaskets and 2 new exhaust manifold bolts. Apparently a bolt is broken on each side. I guess its common. Its all under warranty, so that's good news. They gave us a vehicle to drive while they are fixing ours. It is a 1996 Chrysler Cirrus with 163,000 miles. It even comes with rust holes, a torn steering wheal, and stained seats. As Shawn and I say, it looks like a "smoker car". We have a bad habit of pointing out that people with crappy vehicles tend to smoke; hence the name "smoker car". Its kind of a game we play. I know, we're dorks! Oh well. We are made for each other! Lets just say this car doesn't quite compare to our Durango. We are definitely taking Shawn's truck tomorrow, not the "smoker car"!
I am proud of a couple people today.
Shawn wants me to "wrap it up" so we can get back to watching our show.
Have a great week everyone!
The Colts definitely looked much better last night. They had an almost win. I still think the only game we will win is the one against Kansas City. Mentioning Colts, I heard that Peyton is out the rest of the season. That stinks. I wonder if he will play next year or if he won't be healed. I hope this isn't a career ending injury.
I have a headache. I think its from staying up too late. I had to finish the Colts game. It was way too close to even consider going to bed.
My poor Durango is in at Mike Anderson's. It has a "tick" from an exhaust leak. It needs new exhaust manifold gaskets and 2 new exhaust manifold bolts. Apparently a bolt is broken on each side. I guess its common. Its all under warranty, so that's good news. They gave us a vehicle to drive while they are fixing ours. It is a 1996 Chrysler Cirrus with 163,000 miles. It even comes with rust holes, a torn steering wheal, and stained seats. As Shawn and I say, it looks like a "smoker car". We have a bad habit of pointing out that people with crappy vehicles tend to smoke; hence the name "smoker car". Its kind of a game we play. I know, we're dorks! Oh well. We are made for each other! Lets just say this car doesn't quite compare to our Durango. We are definitely taking Shawn's truck tomorrow, not the "smoker car"!
I am proud of a couple people today.
Shawn wants me to "wrap it up" so we can get back to watching our show.
Have a great week everyone!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
The pork roast has been "pulled". The BBQ sauce has been made. Now they are combined in the crock pot. Shawn doesn't get off of work for 2 hours. They should be good and blended when Shawn gets home. The only problem with crock pots is that they give off a "yummy aroma" that you smell for hours. C'mon 7 o'clock!
Sorry, just had to share that!
Sorry, just had to share that!
Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. ~Bill Watterson
I like that and agree with it! I bet you can guess what mine is. Yes, you guessed it! Football. I love watching football. Right now I'm flipping between the Houston-New Orleans game and the Giants-Eagles game. I'm rooting for the Texans and Giants. Shawn did so well on fantasy football last year, but his team is not so hot this year.
I have a pork roast in the crock pot. I need to make some homemade BBQ sauce later. Nothing like football and good food.
I've got a question for you. Are you ready? Okay, here it is. Would a fly without wings be called a walk?
Hahaha! Made you laugh just a little, didn't it? I admit I didn't come up with that. I thieved it from Facebook. Mentioning Facebook, what's up with that? I was playing around with it and discovered something recently. What is the point of posting, but blocking certain people from your friend's list so they can't see it? If its something you don't want them to see, then why even have them as a friend? Maybe its for the people who post a million times a day. You know the ones. They post things that you don't even care to know. They give you a play by play. Ex.) "I had soup for lunch. And now I'm going to go pee." They can now block you so you don't see their frequent trips to the bathroom. They don't want you to know about their over active bladder. Okay, so that's a stretch... But seriously, what is the point? Better yet, if its that personal, then why are you posting it for the world (Facebook friends) to see? Has that been an option on Facebook a long time? Or just recently? IDK...
Have a great week everyone! :-)
I have a pork roast in the crock pot. I need to make some homemade BBQ sauce later. Nothing like football and good food.
I've got a question for you. Are you ready? Okay, here it is. Would a fly without wings be called a walk?
Hahaha! Made you laugh just a little, didn't it? I admit I didn't come up with that. I thieved it from Facebook. Mentioning Facebook, what's up with that? I was playing around with it and discovered something recently. What is the point of posting, but blocking certain people from your friend's list so they can't see it? If its something you don't want them to see, then why even have them as a friend? Maybe its for the people who post a million times a day. You know the ones. They post things that you don't even care to know. They give you a play by play. Ex.) "I had soup for lunch. And now I'm going to go pee." They can now block you so you don't see their frequent trips to the bathroom. They don't want you to know about their over active bladder. Okay, so that's a stretch... But seriously, what is the point? Better yet, if its that personal, then why are you posting it for the world (Facebook friends) to see? Has that been an option on Facebook a long time? Or just recently? IDK...
Have a great week everyone! :-)
Friday, September 23, 2011
Okay, I know that term is overused, but it fits today... I'm beyond over people's "problems", therefore I don't care anymore.
Good news! The kiddos at school informed me that I am no longer a snake. My sunburned face is no longer pealing. They keep me informed (as if I wouldn't know). LOL! One of my third graders was picking her nose and eating it again today. Oh! That reminds me. I was also doing flash card team races with the kids today and got spit on. I really thought I was out of distance, but apparently not. When kids get excited, they like to shout and you know what that means. Luckily it was just on the arm, but still.... Yuck! This reminds me of something else that happened earlier this year. I was out at recess and one of my kiddos came up to me and said, "Mrs. Scott, I don't feel so well." I took one look and said lets go up to the nurse. They took about 5 steps and threw up on the blacktop. Luckily, I managed to jump out of splatter distance! I have been very fortunate this year!
I am really rambling tonight....
Today was the birthday pitch-in lunch at work. The theme was sandwich and salad. Very yummy! I work with some great people! My fellow math interventionists are great easy going people. I am very fortunate to work with them! One of them turns 40 on Monday. I can't wait to tease her!
Things may get pushed back a few weeks for IVF. Scheduling will work better that way.
Leftover pot roast is for supper tonight! I love crock pots! Sunday I am going to cook a pork roast in the crock pot and make pulled pork sandwiches with homemade BBQ sauce. Yum!
That's about it here!
Good news! The kiddos at school informed me that I am no longer a snake. My sunburned face is no longer pealing. They keep me informed (as if I wouldn't know). LOL! One of my third graders was picking her nose and eating it again today. Oh! That reminds me. I was also doing flash card team races with the kids today and got spit on. I really thought I was out of distance, but apparently not. When kids get excited, they like to shout and you know what that means. Luckily it was just on the arm, but still.... Yuck! This reminds me of something else that happened earlier this year. I was out at recess and one of my kiddos came up to me and said, "Mrs. Scott, I don't feel so well." I took one look and said lets go up to the nurse. They took about 5 steps and threw up on the blacktop. Luckily, I managed to jump out of splatter distance! I have been very fortunate this year!
I am really rambling tonight....
Today was the birthday pitch-in lunch at work. The theme was sandwich and salad. Very yummy! I work with some great people! My fellow math interventionists are great easy going people. I am very fortunate to work with them! One of them turns 40 on Monday. I can't wait to tease her!
Things may get pushed back a few weeks for IVF. Scheduling will work better that way.
Leftover pot roast is for supper tonight! I love crock pots! Sunday I am going to cook a pork roast in the crock pot and make pulled pork sandwiches with homemade BBQ sauce. Yum!
That's about it here!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Tomorrow is Friday!!!
Yeah! 4th Grade will be on a field trip tomorrow too. Not a lot going on here. We watched an episode of Son's of Anarchy on Netflix streaming tonight. I wasn't sure I'd like it, but I do. No big plans for the weekend. Just clean house. The usual... You would think the house would be spotless with the way it seems like I'm constantly cleaning. For some reason, it doesn't work that way.
We had a blast at the Purdue game Saturday, but I didn't care for the sunburn I got on my face from it. I had to walk around with my forehead and nose pealing this week. Not fun!
I have the world's best husband! He is so amazing! He is always there for me when I need him and loves me even when I'm wrong. Or, in his own words; when I complain. He likes to use the idiom that I beat a dead horse. I love you Shawn!!!!!!!
We had a blast at the Purdue game Saturday, but I didn't care for the sunburn I got on my face from it. I had to walk around with my forehead and nose pealing this week. Not fun!
I have the world's best husband! He is so amazing! He is always there for me when I need him and loves me even when I'm wrong. Or, in his own words; when I complain. He likes to use the idiom that I beat a dead horse. I love you Shawn!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Two posts in one day!
Okay, so the first one doesn't really count. It was short and sweet. Like me! Hahahaha! I couldn't resist!
Not a lot going on here. I made up some tests for my kiddos with last years academic standards. I want to see what the know and where they could use a little more. I've been reviewing the standards with them, but now its time to assess the kiddos. I plan on giving it next week.
Abby had cheer-leading tonight. She is so darn cute! It's so fun watching her make high V, low V, T, broken T, etc. The best is watching the girls try to do the spread eagle jump and the herkie. 5 and 6 year old girls have a little trouble trying to do separate motions with their arms and legs at the same time.
I have tomorrow's supper in the crock pot (in the fridge) ready to go for tomorrow. We are having pot roast. That's about it here!
Not a lot going on here. I made up some tests for my kiddos with last years academic standards. I want to see what the know and where they could use a little more. I've been reviewing the standards with them, but now its time to assess the kiddos. I plan on giving it next week.
Abby had cheer-leading tonight. She is so darn cute! It's so fun watching her make high V, low V, T, broken T, etc. The best is watching the girls try to do the spread eagle jump and the herkie. 5 and 6 year old girls have a little trouble trying to do separate motions with their arms and legs at the same time.
I have tomorrow's supper in the crock pot (in the fridge) ready to go for tomorrow. We are having pot roast. That's about it here!
2 Hour Delay!
I feel so much better today! I was asleep before 10 and I also slept an extra hour this morning! The kids are fed and we are all ready to go. We still have 45 minutes before we need to leave. What to do..... Have a great day everyone!
Monday, September 19, 2011
I am trying to stay awake to watch Little Eli Manning, but I don't think I am going to make it much longer. It's only 8:45! I came home and took a nap after work even! I don't know what I have, but I haven't felt so hot all day. Blech!
Shawn said we/the Colts should do the same thing to Peyton Manning that the Packers did to Brett Favre. He said we should get the number one pick this year and get Andrew Luck. Then we should have Luck sit behind Manning next year, then force Manning out the next year. I agree to a point. I think we should get Luck and he should sit behind Manning for 3 years like Aaron Rodgers did. Not sure Luck would be willing to do that though. It's just a thought... I vote we fire Caldwell and hire Gruden. I know its only the 2nd loss of the season, but he was "given" a super bowl winning team and now we are going to be lucky to win a game. I blame Bill Polian as well. I might complain, but I'm not a fair weather fan. I cheered them on when they were awful in the past and I'll do it again!
Its not that cold out yet, but since it was rainy, I made Chili for supper. It hit the spot. I started meal planning 2 weeks ago, and I am so glad I started doing so. I have already saved money. I have a bad habit of not planning ahead so we either A.) eat out or B.) eat something quick and unhealthy. I have a confession, I deviated from my meal plan tonight. It was supposed to be Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole, but chili just sounded so good.
I started my first birth control this morning! I hope these weeks fly by!!!
I've made it to 9 o'clock! I am hoping to make it to 9:30 before heading to bed. Night everyone!
Shawn said we/the Colts should do the same thing to Peyton Manning that the Packers did to Brett Favre. He said we should get the number one pick this year and get Andrew Luck. Then we should have Luck sit behind Manning next year, then force Manning out the next year. I agree to a point. I think we should get Luck and he should sit behind Manning for 3 years like Aaron Rodgers did. Not sure Luck would be willing to do that though. It's just a thought... I vote we fire Caldwell and hire Gruden. I know its only the 2nd loss of the season, but he was "given" a super bowl winning team and now we are going to be lucky to win a game. I blame Bill Polian as well. I might complain, but I'm not a fair weather fan. I cheered them on when they were awful in the past and I'll do it again!
Its not that cold out yet, but since it was rainy, I made Chili for supper. It hit the spot. I started meal planning 2 weeks ago, and I am so glad I started doing so. I have already saved money. I have a bad habit of not planning ahead so we either A.) eat out or B.) eat something quick and unhealthy. I have a confession, I deviated from my meal plan tonight. It was supposed to be Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole, but chili just sounded so good.
I started my first birth control this morning! I hope these weeks fly by!!!
I've made it to 9 o'clock! I am hoping to make it to 9:30 before heading to bed. Night everyone!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Another Busy Weekend Almost Over!
Of course it comes to an end watching football. The Dolts, I mean, Colts are going to be lucky to win one game at this rate. I "think" they will be able to beat Kansas City. Heck, the Lions beat them 48-3 earlier. 1-15 here we come!
I hope the Falcons do well tonight! Packers won! Those are my favorite teams!
Friday was a good, but emotional day. It doesn't help that its that lovely time of month where I am already emotional. We went to Indy to our RE (reproductive endocrinologist). He said we are not able to do an IUI, but we can do IVF. We are going to go ahead and move forward with it! I am so excited and scared at the same time.
I start birth control for 3 weeks tomorrow. So I will be taking it September 19th-October 9th. I will start shots for 3 weeks on October 10th-approximately October 30th. Around that time they will do an egg retrieval. A few days later they will do an embryo transfer. 2 weeks later they will do a blood pregnancy test. 9 weeks from now I could be pregnant! After 5 1/2 years of trying, it seems so unreal that this could finally happen!
Friday night we went out to eat at Applebees then came home and watched one of our Netflix movies.
Saturday (yesterday) we went to the Purdue Game. They beat Southeast Missouri State 59-0. We all had a blast, especially the kids! Abby bought pom-poms, black and gold necklaces, a Purdue head band, and a Purdue tattoo. Zac bought a Purdue football, a Purdue foam finger, and a Purdue tattoo. Thank you Vicky for the tickets!!!
After the game, we took the kids to grandma's to spend the night. Shawn and I had a date night! It was great! The sad part was we were kid free and we went clothes shopping for the kids. LOL! We also came home to watch a Netflix movie instead of going to the movies. There just wasn't anything out that we wanted to drive to Lafayette to see.
Today we cleaned house. There was a mountain of laundry as usual. I think someone comes over and wears our clothes when we are not home. I don't see how we go through so many clothes!
Back to work tomorrow...
I hope the Falcons do well tonight! Packers won! Those are my favorite teams!
Friday was a good, but emotional day. It doesn't help that its that lovely time of month where I am already emotional. We went to Indy to our RE (reproductive endocrinologist). He said we are not able to do an IUI, but we can do IVF. We are going to go ahead and move forward with it! I am so excited and scared at the same time.
I start birth control for 3 weeks tomorrow. So I will be taking it September 19th-October 9th. I will start shots for 3 weeks on October 10th-approximately October 30th. Around that time they will do an egg retrieval. A few days later they will do an embryo transfer. 2 weeks later they will do a blood pregnancy test. 9 weeks from now I could be pregnant! After 5 1/2 years of trying, it seems so unreal that this could finally happen!
Friday night we went out to eat at Applebees then came home and watched one of our Netflix movies.
Saturday (yesterday) we went to the Purdue Game. They beat Southeast Missouri State 59-0. We all had a blast, especially the kids! Abby bought pom-poms, black and gold necklaces, a Purdue head band, and a Purdue tattoo. Zac bought a Purdue football, a Purdue foam finger, and a Purdue tattoo. Thank you Vicky for the tickets!!!
After the game, we took the kids to grandma's to spend the night. Shawn and I had a date night! It was great! The sad part was we were kid free and we went clothes shopping for the kids. LOL! We also came home to watch a Netflix movie instead of going to the movies. There just wasn't anything out that we wanted to drive to Lafayette to see.
Today we cleaned house. There was a mountain of laundry as usual. I think someone comes over and wears our clothes when we are not home. I don't see how we go through so many clothes!
Back to work tomorrow...
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
It's only 9:25, but I feel like it is midnight. Right now we are watching Ghost Hunters on Syfy, then I think I'm heading to bed.
Since it was raining, I didn't get to take my walk tonight. Last night Abby had cheerleading at the Carroll County Community Center. It lasted 45 minutes, so was had enough time to walk around the path/track that goes around the park twice.
We plan on walking around the block again Friday. We finally drove it to see how far it really is. It is 3.6 miles.
Tomorrow's high is only 64. Awesome!
Big dr. appointment Friday.
Nothing much to talk about tonight.
Night everyone!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
What a depressing start to Football Season. The Colts were awful. At this point, I'm hoping they can be an 8-8 team. That's probably asking too much. I hope this isn't a return of the Dolts...
My 3 teams this year are: (as always) The Colts, The Falcons, and the Packers... I'm not doing so hot. Both Indy and Atlanta lost. Matt Ryan needs to step it up.
The football commercials are great!
Mentioning commercials, the 9-11 ones are depressing. I cried a little this morning when we were watching the memorial service. The kids weren't born yet, so we had a talk about it.
The kids are playing on the other computer right now... I hear a phone ringing. Apparently they are making a phone call. LOL! It's some website they linked to from the school's website.
Shawn's Fantasy Football team is not doing so hot. Even his kicker got hurt. Haha!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Nothing like a relaxing Saturday!
Today was a great day! I didn't get to sleep in, but it was still great! I got my hair cut and dyed. I also got my eyebrows waxed. Yowzers, were my eyebrows bad! I had a hair appointment before school started, but we were busy, so I had to cancel it. A month later I finally get around to it. Not a good idea!
Mom watched the kids for me while I got that done. The kids had a blast at grandma's! She spoils them... She jacks them up on sugar then sends them home. LOL!
After hanging out at mom's for a while, we came home and did absolutely nothing. It was everything I thought it could be!!! LOL! I needed it. Okay, so I did dishes and small things, but it wasn't much.
I didn't even make supper. Shawn brought Subway home! Yum!
I did get out my fall decorations. I even lit my autumn harvest candle. I love fall! I cannot wait for jeans and hoodie weather!
Now we're watching Notre Dame and Michigan.
I can't wait for tomorrow! Football all day after church! It's going to be great! Are you ready for some football???? I AM!!!!!!!!
Okay, I'll calm down now. I just get a little excited about it. I'm worse than Shawn. I guarantee you that I watch more football than he does. That's just because he works every other Sunday. He would be just as bad, if he could. He actually took tomorrow off of work. The first Sunday of football season is like a holiday around here! I'm even making Chex mix tomorrow to snack on. Isn't it a rule that you must have snack foods during football games?!?!
My husband just said that I need to write about him and all his "awesomeness". Here you go honey... This is for you... You are super awesome and I love you!!!!!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Ahhh! What a great night....
(You may notice I changed my title. I was informed that someone else posted something very similar in Facebook, and I don't want to be accused of copying off of them!)
21-10 Packers at the moment. GO PACKERS! I think they are going to be my pick this year since the sad Colts news earlier today. Poor Peyton.... the rest of the Colts.... and the fans.... I don't think we have a chance without him.
Shawn is already monitoring his fantasy team. Clay Matthews has him the whopping 0.5 points so far. Too bad he doesn't have Aaron Rodgers. He has 28.32 points at the moment.
Football season is the greatest! I can't wait for Sunday! It will be football all day!
On to other things....
Poor Abby had a goose egg on her head yesterday. She was out at recess and another student bumped into her. She fell back and smacked her head into the blacktop. She might have landed on a rock because the bump was in a small area. This bump was huge! I thought about taking her to the emergency room, but the school nurse assured me as long as she acted normal, she would be fine. She said the bump going out is a lot better than going in. She acted like her normal self last night, so we didn't do anything. The bump has mostly gone away now. She's just takes Tylenol when it hurts. She hardly cried when it happened. I say it often and its true. She is one tough kiddo!
Tonight the kids read to me and they did some Math. They love doing Math. Are they crazy or what?!? Oh... Wait.... I teach Math all day. Maybe its not so bad after all. I do enjoy teaching it every day.
Well, the laptop is getting ready to die, so I am off. I'd really like to finish the game, but I think bed is calling... Night all!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
I don't get it....
Some things in life confuse me.... I don't understand why people do what they do and say what they say with absolutely no regard for others. It truly baffles me. Is that what life is all about?
It isn't for me. My life is my family and my career. I don't feel the need to bring others down and spew venom about them. What does that accomplish?
Yes, they do make mistakes, but that is part of being human. I'm not perfect, they're not perfect, and neither is the person doing the judging. You never truly know a person or know what they think and feel. Unless you do, you should never condemn them for their mistakes. Adele's song "Someone Like You" mentions this. She sings, "Regrets and Mistakes. They are memories made."
I couldn't go on with what I had maliciously said about someone and continue to believe what I had done was justified because its what "I think". And of course we know what I say and think is 100% accurate. It would eat away at me if I lived my life like that.
As long as I know I am trying to be the best wife and mother I can be, then I know I am being the best person I can be. They are what matter to me.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Happy Birthday Shawn!!!
Tonight we are having grilled steaks, baked potatoes, and green beans. It's what Shawn wanted.

The tooth fairy is finally going to visit our house! Zac lost his first tooth today!
As you can see, he has 2 teeth already growing in behind his baby teeth. I guess that means braces are in his future...
The kiddos are helping me with laundry and cleaning house today. Exciting Labor Day, huh? ;-)
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Our awesome weekend!
Why can't life be easy? I've had a wide range of emotions today and I still don't know what to do or what's right or best. Yes, that's right, I can be opinionated, but I don't have all the answers. Now that I got that out, maybe things will fall into place. Who knows....
It was a great weekend! Great news on Friday and a lot of family time!
We went out to eat for Shawn's birthday Friday. He will be 35 tomorrow! Happy Birthday old man! Hahaha!
I enjoyed the warmer weather we had. We got to get in the pool again! We swam in it all afternoon yesterday. My awesome sister-in-law Sara came over and swam with us. Sara and I have a lot in common. Our friend Lindsey came over and got in with us too for an hour or so and she brought our Mary Kay! Yeah!
Last night we had a get together on Shawn's dad's side. It was nice to see everyone there too. I got Shawn to hold one of the babies and he actually enjoyed it without freaking out. LOL! He's so afraid he's going to "break" a baby. The girls played hair stylist with our hair and the boys played in the yard with a ball. It was a nice time until the lightning came. We decided to leave when it got close. We barely made it out of the driveway before the rain came pouring down. It was more like pounding down. It was crazy!
We wouldn't let Sara drive home until the storm passed, so we "made" her watch a scary movie with us. We watched Insidious and I am a chicken. I jumped several times in the movie, not to mention I screamed once. Yeah, I know... I'm not very brave when it comes to movies. I can walk down a long lane alone at night without being afraid, but I can't watch a scary movie without screaming. It's the suspense and the scenes where you see something you're not expecting to see that get to me. They might scare me, but I love suspenseful movies. I don't like gory movies. Those are disgusting. Anyway... I started the movie off sitting in a recliner, Shawn was in the other recliner, and Sara was on the couch. I ended the movies sitting bunched up next to Sara, our arms linked, and a blanket ready to pull over my head. I don't think Sara minded too much. She was scared too. Maybe not as bad as me, but I don't think she liked sitting alone either. She kept trying to get Lucy to sit with her.
It's been a kind of busy day today. It started off by me getting up and making homemade ham and bacon mac n' cheese for the get together at mom and dad's. We then went to church with my mother and father in law, came home, changed clothes, grabbed the mac n' cheese and headed to mom and dad's. It was nice seeing family! I don't see enough of them! We had yummy pork and turkey roasted on the grill. And a piece of strawberry pie.
When we got home, we took a walk around the block. I'm guessing its between 3 and 4 miles. I'll have to drive it a trip my odometer to know for sure. I thought poor Lucy wasn't going to make it. She started off the walk pulling us along. We finished the walk pulling her along. The kids would run a pole ahead of us, stop, and find some creature or "flower" (weed) to play with until we caught up and then they would do it all over again. There was a black snake on the side of the road that Zac stepped on when he was running. He didn't even see it until Shawn pointed it out to him. It was not a happy snake after being stepped on! Lucy didn't know what to think of it. We only had 1 vehicle pass us on our walk. Surprisingly enough, it was on our never busy road.
Now I have the dishwasher and washer going. I feel like all I ever do is clean house. I need a maid!
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