Saturday, October 22, 2011

Lazy Saturday...

We cleaned house, but that's about it.  I watched a movie I DVR'd recently.  It was a Hallmark movie, so I watched in now while Shawn's at work.  I don't get him to watch many chick flicks with me.

The furnace is working again!  It stopped working yesterday morning.  I think we only have trouble when Shawn's at work.  I took care of it.  I called our heating guy.  A new pressure switch, and we're good to go...

I think the kids and I are going to eat out for supper tonight.  Shawn's on his own tonight!

Guess what?!?!  I took my last BCP (birth control pill) this morning!!!  My first ultrasound and blood draw is Wednesday!!!  Is this for real?!?!?  Are we really doing IVF???  Oh my!  After 5 1/2 years of trying to have a baby, this seems so unreal at times!!!  There is finally a real chance we can become parents of a baby!  The kids want it too!  They watch me give myself a shot every night and they talk about how they hope it works!  Zac thinks I'm crazy.  He thinks its crazy to give yourself shots in order to have a baby.  He doesn't think its worth it.  Abby on the other hand thinks it is definitely worth it.  They are going to be an awesome older brother and sister!  I feel so blessed to have 2 amazing (and cute) kids!  They keep me busy and I wouldn't have it any other way, even when they get into trouble!  Abby wants a girl and Zac wants a boy.  God willing, we will have either one!!!

About it over here in the Scott household!  Have a great weekend everyone!!!



  1. Good luck with everything. We are in the "home stretch" of our cycle.

    I can't wait to see 2 BFP for us bloogers :)

  2. I can't wait either! Good Luck!!!!!!
