Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. ~Bill Watterson

I like that and agree with it!  I bet you can guess what mine is.  Yes, you guessed it!  Football.  I love watching football.  Right now I'm flipping between the Houston-New Orleans game and the Giants-Eagles game.  I'm rooting for the Texans and Giants.  Shawn did so well on fantasy football last year, but his team is not so hot this year.

I have a pork roast in the crock pot.  I need to make some homemade BBQ sauce later.  Nothing like football and good food.

I've got a question for you.  Are you ready?  Okay, here it is.  Would a fly without wings be called a walk?

Hahaha!  Made you laugh just a little, didn't it?  I admit I didn't come up with that.  I thieved it from Facebook.  Mentioning Facebook, what's up with that?  I was playing around with it and discovered something recently.  What is the point of posting, but blocking certain people from your friend's list so they can't see it?  If its something you don't want them to see, then why even have them as a friend?  Maybe its for the people who post a million times a day.  You know the ones.  They post things that you don't even care to know.  They give you a play by play.  Ex.) "I had soup for lunch.  And now I'm going to go pee."  They can now block you so you don't see their frequent trips to the bathroom.  They don't want you to know about their over active bladder.  Okay, so that's a stretch...  But seriously, what is the point?  Better yet, if its that personal, then why are you posting it for the world (Facebook friends) to see?  Has that been an option on Facebook a  long time?  Or just recently?  IDK...

Have a great week everyone!  :-)

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