Wednesday, December 14, 2011

3rd Post of the Day

This is the TMI post about pregnancy.  Read at your own risk...

OMG!  My boobs HURT!  I slept on my left arm and breast last night.  Big mistake!  My arm felt fine and came back to life as soon as I got in the shower.  My left breast on the other hand has ached all day!  And they're growing.  I already wear a DD.  If they grow much more, they will be popping out of my bra.  I'm only 7 weeks!  Okay, I will be 7 weeks tomorrow.  Technically, I'm 6 weeks 6 days.  I didn't realize they would start to grow already.  I've never been pregnant, so I'm new to all of this.

Like morning sickness.  It's not morning sickness at all.  It was, but I switched to taking my prenatal vitamin at night and that helped.  It's actually from 2:00 to bedtime sickness.

EDIT:  Oh!  I also sobbed like a baby while trying to eat my cereal this morning.  Shawn was mean.  Okay, he wasn't that mean, I just took it that way.  With these hormones, I can cry during a funny movie!

Although the aches and gagging aren't the most fun things, I am enjoying every minute of being pregnant!  I was afraid I would never get to experience this.  All the symptoms are more than worth it!!!!!!!!  I feel so fortunate !!!!!!  Night Everyone!  I know it's only 8:10, but I'm hitting the sack as soon as I put the kids to bed in 20 minutes.  Take Care!


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