Saturday, December 24, 2011

More Hope!

I pray this is us!  Here are small parts of the article:

What your Doctor may not know about your pregnancy after IVF

Because of the growing number of women who realize their miscarriages were misdiagnosed, I like to get any information out there that may help women in determining whether they are going to miscarry or are misdiagnosed.

If you have had IVF and are being told that your gestational sac or baby looks one to two weeks behind in development during the first trimester, this one is for you.

Keep in mind, miscarriage is unfortunately all too common. Reading this study will not magically change the course your pregnancy will take. It will however give you information that may save your pregnancy if you are misdiagnosed.

Our Hypthesis on Why This Happens

it's really pretty common

We've discovered from the many misdiagnosed women online that many of them have a retroverted uterus in common. The transvaginal ultrasound is really not as accurate in women with a tilted uterus. Often we'll look one to two weeks behind during the first trimester. As the pregnancy progresses, the uterus gets pushed back into a more 'normal' position and then dating looks more accurate.

Our guess, and I do think it is a good one, is that this 36% actually had tilted uteri since a number of studies indicate that up to 30 to 40% of women actually have a retroverted uterus.

What Does This Mean For You?

Take this to your doctor

If you have had IVF, you are more likely to pushed into D&C earlier than most women based on what I've been told by women online. If you just wandered into a doctor's office pregnant, the doctor knows your dates may be off and there is more room for error in his eyes. However if he is certain of dates due to the IVF procedure, he is definitely more likely to doom your pregnancy earlier. We this see this quite a bit.


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